Viv and Moxie

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The F-Word

I was speaking with a friend today about the F-word. It's something I've been putting into consistent practice lately, knowing already the great benefits of using it at every opportunity.

We all know the catharsis and relief that comes from using the F-word.


What do I get from forgiveness?


From overthinking

From anxious post-mortems

From anger

From guilt and shame

I receive Peace

a Sense of personal power

the beauty of having a Choice in how I feel

even a physical sense of Lightness

Something interesting that I’m discovering about forgiveness, is that it doesn’t need to be relegated to a person, or entity. You can forgive a situation, a moment, a thing that didn’t work out. You can forgive the concept of time for passing too quickly, or forgive yourself for jumping to that negative thought.

Then let it go. Move on from it, knowing that it is well between you.

Even in the face of someone you won’t make the same mistake with again, even with someone who doesn’t know, even with a problem that can’t be fixed. You can forgive, and give yourself the gift of being at peace.

It may be something you need to practice- I do. But don’t give up on it.

You deserve to set down some of these things that are so heavy.