Visibility and Courage

But they had more to say. That I’m hurting my business because I’m not relating to people. That I’m not building rapport, that people don’t trust me or like me. That they’re a business coach, y’know.

Thank you. I appreciate your advice. Consider me educated.

But don’t be afraid to share your excitement and your products.

Okay, thanks.

You wouldn’t hold back if it was a show or a movie you liked, you’d tell people!

Yeah, that’s true. Thank you.

What matters most is YOU enjoy it and share that spark of joy with them! Emoji heart.

Walk the Walk

How do we embody the life that we’re planning on when we speak about it so tentatively? Like we’re afraid to claim it, like we think someone will find us overconfident, like we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Living Doesn't Stop at Size 26.

The media spends incredible amounts of money on convincing people that they're fat, and that fat is bad, so yeah, I was a weight watcher, and a "good fatty" so everyone knew that I knew my body was unacceptable, and that I was trying hard to change it. Good fatty.